Grades 9-12
Public school

Material 72

I kinda didn’t talk about being non-native teacher, but that’s also been a challenge for me, and sometimes I feel being left out or people don’t believe that I’m a Chinese teacher, made me so weird. But I’m on, I think what you said was so right like, if we get people to talk together, like I’m on a wechat group for non-native Chinese teachers. Right now, there’s 30 people in the group and, I think, to be honest, maybe that’s like most of non-native teachers in the US probably in that group, and it makes me feel like I’m part of the community and it makes me feel like more confident, you know, more like, yes, we can do this. Umm…And people just share, we just share materials, or share videos, or people ask questions like does anyone have material for this unit, or this unit? And we have a Google drive where we share materials(oh, wonderful). So that has been really helpful just, it’s really hard for me to interact on Wechat, I mean, several Wechat groups of Chinese teachers, but it’s hard for me to read Chinese that quickly, you know, I’m sure you know Wechat groups, it’s like 100 messages like, I can’t even process that much information, and so, you know. It’s all in Chinese. It’s very hard for me, like skimming. I am not very good at skimming in Chinese, so I don’t really understand the conversation that is happening in that group coz. If I wanna read the message, I have to read every word, so the English group is…we have a Wechat group where we speak in English and that’s like so helpful you know. (Bridget, Interview)