Hello and Welcome!
This is the website from the project “Teaching LCTLs in K-12 Schools,” which was supported by a grant from the Title VI Language Resource Center, CERCLL, at the University of Arizona.
The themes here were developed from surveys and interviews involving 221 K-12 Chinese language teachers from across the United States. The resource page is designed for teacher trainers and novice teachers alike to identify various kinds of professional development opportunities and teaching materials. We hope you will find the information useful! Please contact Dr. Wenhao Diao (wdiao@arizona.edu) if you have any additional questions/comments about this website or the project.
Meet the Team
Dr. Wenhao Diao
Project Director
Dr. Yang Xiao-Desai
Project Co-Director
Dr. Yi Xu
Project Co-Director
Shi Li
Research Assistant
Hongni Gou
Research Assistant
Diao, W., Xu, Y., & Xiao-Desai, Y. (2023). Epistemological differences as sites of cultural struggles: Teaching Chinese in American K-12 schools. Paper to be presented on the panel, Decolonising Chinese language teaching (organized by Danping Wang and Wenhao Diao), at International Symposium on Bilingualism. Sydney, Australia.
Xu, Y., Diao, W., & Xiao-Desai, Y. (2023). Teaching Chinese in America’s K-12 schools: An analysis of teachers’ professional challenges. Paper presented at the European Conference on the Teaching of Chinese Languages. Southampton, England.
Diao, W., Xu, Y., & Xiao-Desai, Y. (2022). Professional challenges and racism: Chinese language teachers in K-12 schools in America. Paper presented at AAAL. Pittsburgh, PA.
Diao, W., Xu, Y., & Xiao-Desai, Y. (2022). Interculturality in K-12 Chinese language education: Dilemmas and challenges. Paper presented at CLTA. Virtual.
Diao, W. (2023). Invited workshop organizer. Challenges and Possibilities for Antiracism through Chinese Language Teaching in K-12 Schools. New England Chinese Language Teachers Association (NECLTA). May, 2023.
Diao, W. (2023). Invited speaker. 反亚裔歧视下的北美中小学中文教学:挑战与可能性 [Chinese language teaching in North American K-12 schools under anti-Asian racism: Challenges and possibilities. The Second International Forum of Young Scholars on Chinese Language Education. Beijing Foreign Studies University. October, 2023.
Diao, W. (2022). Invited speaker. Professional challenges and racism: Chinese language teachers in K-12 schools in America. Chinese applied linguistics series at the University of Calgary. March, 2022.
How to Cite
Diao, W., Xiao-Desai, Y., Xu, Y., Li, S., & Gou, H. (2023). Teaching Chinese in K-12 Schools in the U.S.
Retrieved from https://teaching-chinese.arizona.edu/