Nina老师提到了亚裔家长(尤其是有heritage背景的家庭)往往要求老师对孩子要求更严格,但Nina认为在美国的教育系统里,除了看重学习成绩,也关注学生的心理健康等其他方面。在教学中对heritage learners和 non-heritage learners区别对待也不利于学校这个community的建立。
Grades 9-12
Public school

Material 63

" I have some of the native speaker parents, who talk negatively about me at home to their kids because they think that my class should be harder, and I should be more like a Chinese teacher. (…) I understand where they're coming from. This is exactly what I hear from my (Asian) husband, and my mother-in-law, but I still hold that no matter what race background they are, American students are different kids than students who grew up in China. Like they have different ways to take information. Americans in our schools, we talk a lot about mental health, and we talk a lot about how are you feeling right now, and how do we control our emotions, you know. Whereas I feel my husband, he's like ‘You just don't pay attention to them. You just push them down. You do what you're supposed to do.’ (…) I know some Chinese teachers will literally have two different classes within a class. Like we're going to force these ones to go further, and I'll give the native speakers extra work to work on, and I'll grade it, and I'll help them if they have questions. But then that puts them out. That means well, they're different than you guys are. And I feel that's not really helpful for building community. So that would be the only thing that’d be like native-speaker parents’ expectation of what Chinese class should be like in the suburbs." (Nina, Interview)