A hallmark of elevator smalltalk, study abroad students can expect to discuss weather in China. Pollution and environmental topics are also serious issues that study abroad students and Chinese citizens alike discuss and debate.
Student Conversations
Experience 1: 实习经历 Internship Experience
Background Information Internship opportunities can be excellent opportunities to gain experience in a potential future career. In China's increasingly competitive job market, internship experience can be a helpful plus on an application. China's tech industry is an...
Friends 1: 理想的男朋友 The Ideal Boyfriend
Background Information When it comes to topics surrounding gender in China, few are more heavily discussed than marriage. Chinese parents are often described as being greatly concerned with their children finding partners to marry. However, women often receive more...
Language 1: 出租车司机的口音 Taxi Driver’s Accent
Background Information Linguistically, China is extremely diverse. Some compare the linguistic diversity of China to that of Europe. It is not uncommon for children to grow up speaking one dialect/language at home, and another at school. If fact, certain schools are...
Culture and Popular Culture 1: 不同文化下的隐私问题 Privacy in Different Cultural Contexts
Background Information Culture shock is an inevitable piece of the study abroad experience. Immersing one's self in a new language can be especially difficult, and students still experience issues even with a working understanding of the language. Differences in...
Place 1: 上海提篮桥监狱 Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison
Background Information Shanghai's Hongkou district is filled with locations of historical importance. It is a little known fact that the city of Shanghai gave refuge to thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution during World War II. Shanghai's Hongkou...
Place 2: 咖啡馆 Cafés
Background Information Coffee has been increasing in popularity over the past few decades, and perceptions toward coffee have been changing. What was once a status marker for cosmopolitan urbanites is now an increasingly normal caffeine boost for China's youth. Chains...
Food 1: 中国各地菜系特点 Characteristics of Different Cuisines in China
Background Information China is commonly divided into eight regional cuisines, each with their own distinguishing ingredients and flavors. China's southwestern cuisines are often characterized as spicy and numbing (a flavor closely associated with peppercorns)....
Experience 2: 养宠物经历 Experience with Pets
Background Information Silk worm care (known as 'sericulture') has an extensive history in China, dating back at least to the Shang Dynasty. Silk worms were fed a diet of mulberry leaves and produced a fine thread used to make clothes, shoes, banners, and decorations....
Friends 2: 关于女朋友 About Girlfriends
Background Information Dating in China can be very different from the United States. While many American students begin dating in high school and even middle school, dating in China tends to only begin after high school. Mainly, this is due to pressure to prepare for...
Language 2: 这是脏话吗?Is This a Dirty Word?
Background Information Chinese Internet is rife with new slang and lingo. However, Internet censors are quick to remove profane words and sensitive topics. To circumvent censorship, many netizens use homophonic versions of curse words. For example, the popular curse...
Task 1 Sharing Personal Experiences Task (Chinese Seasonal Division Points)
Objectives: Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning Chinese seasonal division points. Students will also be able to get familiar with the cultures behind the Chinese seasonal division points. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 10-15 minutes.
1.1 Listen/Read the dialogue between Elisa and 艾 (Weather 1 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, discuss what they talked about in the dialogue.
Discussion questions:
What are Elisa and 艾 talking about? What does “冬至” mean? Why does 艾 say “today has some monumental meaning”? What kind of weather is “suitable” for “today”? Do you know other Chinese seasonal division points?
Directions in Chinese:
1.2 Read the images below, first point out the name of the seasonal points and then use a few sentences to describe the typical weather or key characteristics in these seasonal point dates.
Directions in Chinese: 看以下图片,先说一说节气的名称,然后用几句话描述以下以下节气的典型天气和特点是什么。
Discuss why Chinese solar terms have a special meaning in China?
Task 2 Sharing Personal Experience Task (Smog and Pollution)
Objectives: Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning air quality and environmental pollution. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 10-15 minutes.
2.1 Listen/Read the dialogues between Mae and 如风 (Weather 2 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, summarize the key terms in their discussion. Discuss anything you know about air quality and environmental pollution.
Discussion Questions: What are Mae and 如风 talking about in this dialogue? How is the air quality for Mae and 如风? How about the air quality two years ago? Describe the air quality conditions two years ago. Based on the dialogue, which season is more likely to have smog in this city?
Directions in Chinese:
2.2 Below is a table of PM2.5 world country.region ranking in 2018 (Source: Based on what you have heard/listened/read, what are the main causes of high PM2.5 in those countries/regions? There was a time when Los Angeles suffered from heavy smog. In your groups, discuss whether or not the causes of poor air quality are the same in the U.S. versus other countries such as China and India.
Share your suggestions on how you would protect yourself from smog.
Directions in Chinese:
Task 3 Project & Creative Task (Solar Terms & Air Quality)
Objectives: Students will be able to evaluate and analyze specific issues related to Chinese solar terms and air quality. Students will also be able to cooperate with group members and practice reading, writing, and speaking skills upon completing this task. This task could be divided into two class hours. For example, instructors can use this task as a main activity to practice reading skills and then ask students to prepare for group debates as a homework assignment (including writing, listening, and speaking). Suggested time for this task: 45 min for the reading in the first class + 100 min assigned as homework and for group presentations in the following class.
3.1 Reading comprehension and discussions (45 min)
Read the article “二十四节气” below for the reading comprehension and discussions:
Original Source: (English translation is available on the website if needed)
Text (Partially Revised)
1 按照中国农历的纪年法,每个月都有两个节气,一年共有24个节气。
2 节气是中国农历特有的,是中国劳动人民的创造。古人在长期的生产劳动中,逐渐认识了气候变化的规律,他们根据太阳和地球的相互关系,把一年的天数分成24等分,用来表示季节和气候的变化。这样,差不多每15天就有一个节气,每个月就有两个节气了。二十四节气在公历中的日期几乎是固定的,上半年(1~6月)的节气都在每个月的6日和21日前后;下半年(7~12月)的节气都在每个月的8日和23日前后。
3 二十四节气的名称分别是:立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨、立夏、小满、芒种(zhong)、夏至、小暑、大暑、立秋、处暑、白露(lu)、秋分、寒露、霜降、立冬、小雪、大雪、冬至、小寒、大寒。
4 立春、立夏、立秋、立冬 表示四季的开始。
5 春分、秋分 是一年中昼夜一样长的两天。
6 夏至 是一年中白天最长、黑夜最短的一天。
7 冬至 是一年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天。
8 雨水 是开始下雨的意思。
9 惊蛰 表示春雷响过以后,冬眠的昆虫被惊醒了。
10 清明 是说春天到了以后,明净的春色代替了冬季寒冷枯黄的景色。
11 谷雨 表示从此雨水增多,对五谷的生长很有好处。
12 小满 表示在夏季成熟的农作物籽粒开始饱满了。
13 芒种 告诉人们小麦已经成熟了。
14 小暑、大暑 表示天气炎热的程度,大暑是一年中最热的时候。
15 处暑 表示炎热的天气快要过去了。
16 白露 告诉人们开始下露水,天气就要冷了。
17 寒露 表明露水已重,天寒加剧。
18 霜降 是开始下霜的意思。
19 小雪、大雪 表示到了下雪的时节和雪量大小的差别。
20 小寒、大寒 表示冬天寒冷的程度,大寒是一年中最冷的时候。
21 二十四节气对中国的农业生产起了很大的作用,人们为了方便记忆,还编出了《二十四节气歌》:
In groups of 3-4, finish the discussions below.
Directions in Chinese: 阅读文章,“二十四节气”。三到四人一组,完成讨论。
Read the paragraphs 1-2 and answer the following questions:
中国有多少个节气? | |
中国的节气有什么特点? |
1. 2. |
中国的节气是怎么来的? |
1. 2. 3. |
Read paragraphs 3-20, and match the Chinese solar terms with their respective key features.
Discuss why Chinese solar terms are important from each perspective:
- Agriculture:
- Cultural traditions:
- Weather:
3.2 Presentation Task (100 min in class or assigned as homework)
Directions: You’ve learned about weather, the division of solar terms, air quality, and environmental pollution. As dialogue 2 mentioned, smog is an important problem in China and worldwide. Smog is also a big concern for foreigners living in China. In groups of 3-4, first discuss how poor air quality could damage someone’s health. Provide at least two examples for each point using examples you have learned about in your own lives. Discuss possible ways the government could improve the quality of the air. Finally, summarize your presentation and provide reasonable suggestions for foreigners who live in those countries/regions.
Directions in Chinese: 这一课我们了解了天气,中国农历划分节气的方法,空气质量和环境污染的问题。对话2中提到雾霾是中国的一个非常严重的问题。雾霾问题也是居住在中国的外国人关心的一个重要问题。3-4人一组,首先讨论雾霾或者空气污染会对人的健康造成哪些危害。每一点提供至少两个例子来介绍这项危害。讨论政府应该如何提高这些地区和城市的空气质量。最后总结报告的内容,并且为居住在中国的外国人提供一些可行的建议和意见。
Task 4 Additional Activity
Directions: Watch the video “洛杉矶如何治理雾霾 How does Los Angeles deal with Air Pollution?” and read the extracted transcripts from the video. Fill in the flowchart below.
Directions in Chinese: 观看视频“洛杉矶如何治理雾霾” 并阅读节选的内容完成下表。
0’21 – 1’54
有很多朋友问我说在美国有雾霾吗?我的回答是有的,但是在美国它对雾霾的这个表述,这个概念是更加直接的,它就直接叫空气污染,英文是air pollution,意思就是说呢当某个区域它的空气中的有害颗粒达到一定浓度之后,那么这个区域它就是有空气污染的。要说明的一个事实是呢,虽然在美国境内绝大地方的这个空气质量是比较优良的,是让人感觉比较好的,但是还是有一些区域它的空气质量是相对来说较为糟糕的。
12’45 – 14’57
什么是雾霾? |
造成美国洛杉矶、匹兹堡雾霾的原因是什么? |
1. 2. |
洛杉矶成功治理雾霾需要哪四个方面? | 这四个方面如何“扮演好自己的角色”? |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |