Learn how to tell stories related to personal histories and life experiences, such as traveling, studying, having pets, and social events previously attended.
Student Conversations
Experience 1: 实习经历 Internship Experience
Background Information Internship opportunities can be excellent opportunities to gain experience in a potential future career. In China's increasingly competitive job market, internship experience can be a helpful plus on an application. China's tech industry is an...
Friends 1: 理想的男朋友 The Ideal Boyfriend
Background Information When it comes to topics surrounding gender in China, few are more heavily discussed than marriage. Chinese parents are often described as being greatly concerned with their children finding partners to marry. However, women often receive more...
Language 1: 出租车司机的口音 Taxi Driver’s Accent
Background Information Linguistically, China is extremely diverse. Some compare the linguistic diversity of China to that of Europe. It is not uncommon for children to grow up speaking one dialect/language at home, and another at school. If fact, certain schools are...
Culture and Popular Culture 1: 不同文化下的隐私问题 Privacy in Different Cultural Contexts
Background Information Culture shock is an inevitable piece of the study abroad experience. Immersing one's self in a new language can be especially difficult, and students still experience issues even with a working understanding of the language. Differences in...
Place 1: 上海提篮桥监狱 Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison
Background Information Shanghai's Hongkou district is filled with locations of historical importance. It is a little known fact that the city of Shanghai gave refuge to thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution during World War II. Shanghai's Hongkou...
Place 2: 咖啡馆 Cafés
Background Information Coffee has been increasing in popularity over the past few decades, and perceptions toward coffee have been changing. What was once a status marker for cosmopolitan urbanites is now an increasingly normal caffeine boost for China's youth. Chains...
Food 1: 中国各地菜系特点 Characteristics of Different Cuisines in China
Background Information China is commonly divided into eight regional cuisines, each with their own distinguishing ingredients and flavors. China's southwestern cuisines are often characterized as spicy and numbing (a flavor closely associated with peppercorns)....
Experience 2: 养宠物经历 Experience with Pets
Background Information Silk worm care (known as 'sericulture') has an extensive history in China, dating back at least to the Shang Dynasty. Silk worms were fed a diet of mulberry leaves and produced a fine thread used to make clothes, shoes, banners, and decorations....
Friends 2: 关于女朋友 About Girlfriends
Background Information Dating in China can be very different from the United States. While many American students begin dating in high school and even middle school, dating in China tends to only begin after high school. Mainly, this is due to pressure to prepare for...
Language 2: 这是脏话吗?Is This a Dirty Word?
Background Information Chinese Internet is rife with new slang and lingo. However, Internet censors are quick to remove profane words and sensitive topics. To circumvent censorship, many netizens use homophonic versions of curse words. For example, the popular curse...
Task 1 Sharing Personal Experiences Task (Intern Experience)
Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning internship experience. Students will also be able to share their own experience and thoughts regarding internship. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.
1.1 Listen/Read the dialogue between Elisa and 艾 (Experience 1 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, discuss what they talked about in the dialogue.
Discussion questions:
What are Elisa and 艾 talking about? What was Elisa’ intern job about? Why did she choose to do this internship? How was her intern experience? Use the chart below to guide your discussion.
Directions in Chinese:
Elisa’s Intern Experience
When? | |
Where? | |
Workload? | |
Doing what? | |
Why chose this intern? |
1. 2. 3. |
Discuss: Will you do this intern if you were Elisa? Why or why not?
如果你是Elisa, 你会不会选择做这份实习工作?为什么(不)?
1.2 Discuss your own experience and thoughts about internship. Have you done any intern job? If so, where was the intern? What kind of work did you do for the intern? Why did you choose to do this internship? How would this intern experience benefit you now and in the future? Describe your intern experience with your group. If you have not done any internship, please share your thoughts with your group about your ideal intern job in the future.
Directions in Chinese:
1.3 Based on the dialogue and your own experience, in a group of 3-4, discuss the differences between an intern and an official job. List at least three reasons why an intern experience is necessary/unnecessary in your opinion.
Directions in Chinese:
Internship | Job | |
Differences |
Do you think an intern experience is necessary for college students? List at least three reasons.
- _______________________________
- _______________________________
- _______________________________
Task 2 Sharing Personal Experience Task & Comparing Task (Pet Experience)
Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to experience concerning raising a pet (silkworm). Students will also be able to understand the sericulture in China. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.
2.1 Listen/Read the dialogues between Ted and 韩 (Experience 2 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, summarize the key terms of their discussion.
Discussion questions: What are Ted and 韩 talking about? What kind of pet did 韩 have as a child? What does the pet look like? What is the changing process of the pet 韩 had (Based on the dialogue, please use the image below to guide your description)?
Directions in Chinese:
Image source: http://www.kepu.net.cn/gb/civilization/china-silk/silk_technic/200207050011.html
2.2 Share your (or your family’s) own experience of having a pet. Discuss the following questions:
What is your experience of having a pet? What kinds of pets are common in the U.S.? Based on what your heard, learnt, listened, share your experience of pets that are “uncommon” to have. Will you have silkworm as your pet? Why or why not?
Directions in Chinese:
Task 3 Project and Creative Task (Doing Internship in China as a Foreigner)
Students will be able to understand specific issues related to doing internship in China as a foreigner. Students will also be able to cooperate with group members, and practice reading, writing and speaking skills upon completing this task. This task could be divided into two class hours, for instance, first using it as a main activity of a regular class to practice reading skills, and then as a homework assignment to prepare for group presentation (including writing, listening, and speaking). Suggested time for this task: 40 min for the reading for the first class + 100 min for group presentation or assigned as homework.
3.1 Reading comprehension and discussions (40 min)
Read the article “外国留学生在华就业不容乐观” below for the reading comprehension and discussions:
Original Source: http://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/2016-09/19/content_26826893.htm
Reading Text (Revised from the original article):
1 中国日报网2016年9月19日电,“尽管北京既有国企也有外企,但找一份工作仍然很难,因为大多公司都愿意雇佣本地人。”26岁的墨西哥籍毕业生内斯特·马图斯(Néstor Matus)说道。他毕业于北京理工大学。
2 内斯特是中国数以千计的外籍留学生之一。他感到自己很幸运,因为中文流利成为北京某科技公司的实习生。
3 对于外国留学生,语言障碍是找工作最难的一关,缺乏工作经验更是雪上加霜。以前,仅凭外籍身份就可以找到一份工作。
4 来自美国的新闻传播学硕士Kao Nou Thao在北京某英文广播公司实习六个月后留任内容分析师。
5 他说:“网络上并没有太多英语传媒公司的招聘信息,我投了很多简历,得到的回复却很少。”
6 此外,工作签证的门槛也让许多有志者望而却步。据《外国人在中国就业管理规定》,办理工作签证需要两年的相关全职工作经历。
7 他还说:“如果签证政策放松,更多的留学生就会选择留在中国工作。”
8 哈萨克斯坦的阿里克哈诺娃·阿萨(Ualikhanova Assem)是一名对外汉语专业硕士,十分希望可以留在中国做一名教师。她非常认同Kao Nou Thao的看法。
9 “在现有的政策下,毕业后几乎不可能找到工作,因为没有人能满足工作经验的要求。我们来中国是为了学习,毕业之后何来两年工作经验?”
10 考虑到每年上百万的中国毕业生和竞争激烈的劳动力市场,对留学生有这样的要求也确实可以理解。
11 内斯特说:“因为中国学生数量太多,他们必须保护就业市场,把机会优先留给中国学生。”
12 尽管目前形势严峻,但很多专家认为留学生就业形势会逐渐好转,但这个进程会有些缓慢。
13 “从今年三月开始,现有约束政策相会放缓,留学生找到一份兼职工作或者在’中国硅谷’中关村找到一份实习将会容易一些。“对外经贸大学就业指导中心副主任李勇说。
14 “在我看来,现在政策正逐渐放宽,外国留学生在接下来的五年中就业形势会更加乐观。”中国日报国际员工办公室主任陈智明说道。
Summarize the current FIVE difficulties of having an intern opportunity in China for foreign students mentioned in the article and highlight the keywords (or key sentence).
In a group of 3 to 4, discuss what will be some potential advantages for foreigners finding an intern/job in China, list at least three aspects and provide reasons.
Directions in Chinese:
Advantages | Reasons |
1. |
2. |
3. |
3.2 Presentation task (100 min in class or assigned as homework)
Directions: Now you’ve learned more about how to introduce and describe your intern experience and current situation of finding an intern/job in China, watch the video about the pros and cons of doing intern overseas for Chinese students (海外实习利与弊,去海外实习究竟值不值得?https://www.bilibili.com/video/av25764570/).
Based on what you watched/learnt/read, in groups of 3-4, create a group presentation similar to the video, discussing the topic “the pros and cons of U.S. students doing intern in China”. Please first summarize the pros and cons for Chinese students doing intern overseas, then list your group opinions towards the pros and cons of U.S. students doing intern in China. Discuss what kinds of differences there might be between the two situations.
Directions in Chinese: 这一课我们了解了如何介绍实习经历以及外国人在中国实习工作的情况。看视频“海外实习利与弊,去海外实习究竟值不值得”,3-4人一组,准备一个8-10分钟的报告,包含以下内容。首先请总结视频中提到的中国学生去海外实习的利与弊,然后说一说你认为的美国学生到中国实习的利与弊(至少各三点),最后讨论两种情况会有什么不同。
Task 4 Additional reading and comprehension question
Directions: Read the comments on “Adopt or Purchase a Pet” on a Chinese website and discuss the following questions.
Original Resource: https://www.zhihu.com/question/30418984
Directions in Chinese:
The seven comments above are from netizens in China answering question about “Adopt or purchase a pet”. First, please drag the comments to “Support Adoption” or “Support Purchase” columns. Then, summarize the main reasons mentioned in these comments and fill in the chart below.
Support Adoption | Support Purchase |
Reason 1: | Reason 1: |
Reason 2: | Reason 2: |
Reason 3: | Reason 3: |
Reason 4:
…. |
Reason 4:
….. |
In China, there are not many official registered shelter as in the U.S., adoption is usually conducted personally, which causes some problems and difficulties for adoption. Based on what you read from above, in groups of 3-4, discuss how to improve the current situation of adoption market in China.