Culture and Popular Culture
Cultural differences, traditional culture, and pop culture such as movies and music are all integral to learning a new language and a new place. Developing an understanding of China’s diverse cultures and history and being able to make comparisons to your own culture are very useful skills when studying abroad.
Student Conversations
Carla and her Roommate
This is a brief summary of this content for the overview page. Lesson 7: 网购 Online Shopping Overview Learning Objectives Background Information Vocabulary Text Grammar Points Creating an Account Writing/Discussion Practice Learning Objectives This text is based...
Amber and Xiuying
This is a brief summary of this content for the overview page. Learning Objectives This text is based on a conversation between roommates Amber and Xiuying 秀英. In the dialogue, Xiuying discusses her preference for online shopping as well as a method for Amber to add...
Task 1 Sharing Personal Experiences Task (Privacy under Different Cultural Contexts)
Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning privacy under different cultural contexts. Students will also be able to distinguish the differences regarding privacy under different cultural contexts. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.
1.1 Listen/Read the dialogue between Elisa and 艾 (Culture and Popular Culture 1 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, discuss what they talked about in the dialogue.
Discussion questions: What are Elisa and 艾 talking about? What does “隐私” mean? What kinds of topics that might be impolite to ask others? Based on the dialogue, what kinds of topics that might be asked in China are inappropriate to ask in the U.S.?
1.2 Listen/Read the dialogue again, highlight in the text the kinds of topics they mentioned that might be impolite to ask people directly, and discuss 1) why it would be inappropriate to ask others these questions, and 2) whether you agree with them based on your personal experience. Fill in the worksheet below.
Download Worksheet Here Culture and Popular Culture_Worksheet 1
1.3 Discuss what you’ve experienced, learned, heard of, or read about privacy under different cultural contexts. Brainstorm: what other topics do you think are impolite to ask people in the U.S.?
Directions in Chinese:
1.1 她们讨论了什么问题?什么是“隐私”?问别人什么样的问题是不礼貌的?根据对话内容,什么样的问题在中国常常可以问,但是在美国会被认为是不礼貌的?
1.2 在对话中标出涉及到隐私的话题并讨论:1)为什么询问别人这些话题是不礼貌的?2)根据你的个人经历,你同意她们的看法吗? 为什么?
1.3 你经历过/听过/知道哪些不同文化下的隐私观?头脑风暴:你认为还有什么是涉及个人隐私,不方便直接询问别人的问题?
Sample answers for instructors:
- 他们在讨论中美个人隐私的问题。“隐私”的意思是秘密,不愿意告诉别人或者不愿意公开的事情。
- 她们讨论的话题有工资,年龄,体重,性取向,和信仰。
Task 2 Sharing Personal Experience Task & Comparing Task (Chinese Film)
Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning Chinese film and types of movies. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.
2.1 Listen/Read the dialogues between Zolton and 传祥 (Culture and Popular Culture 2 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, summarize the key terms of their discussion. Discuss what you’ve learned, heard of, or read about Chinese film, and your own watching experience of Chinese film.
Discussion questions: What are Zolton and 传祥 talking about in this dialogue? Have you watched any Chinese film? What do you know about Chinese film? What types of film do you like the most? Why? Share your thoughts and experience with your group.
2.2 Douban Movie (豆瓣电影) is a popular website regarding movies and film reviews in China. Click the URL below: and put in one Chinese movie (if not, one of your favorite movies), scan through the introduction and share the movie with your group. Use the worksheet below to navigate your reading of the website page.
Directions in Chinese:
2.1 听/读Zolton和传祥 (Culture and Popular Culture 2 dialogue)的对话,他们在讨论什么问题?你看过中国电影吗?你对中国电影有什么了解?你对喜欢的电影类型是什么?
2.2 在豆瓣电影上搜索你最喜欢的一部(中国)电影,填表并和你的组员分享这部电影。
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Task 3 Project and Creative Task (Sensitive Topics in Chinese Film)
Students will be able to evaluate and analyze specific issues related to sensitive topics (e.g. LGBTQ, religion, and history) in Chinese film. Students will also be able to cooperate with group members, and practice reading, writing and speaking skills upon completing this task. This task could be divided into two class hours, after the warm-up discussions on the two dialogues, for instance, first using it as a main activity of a regular class to practice reading skills, and then as a homework assignment to prepare for group presentations. Suggested time for this task: 45 min for the reading for the first class + 100 min for presentation or assigned as homework + 8-10 min per group presentation in the following class.
3.1 Warm-up discussions
3.1.1 In Culture and Popular Culture 1 dialogue, Elisa and 艾 talked about questions related to sexual and religious orientations, do you think it is appropriate to approach people with such questions? Why or why not?
3.1.2 In Culture and Popular Culture 2 dialogue, Zolton and 传祥 talked about Chinese movies related to LGBTQ (霸王别姬/Farewell My Concubine) and Cultural Revolution, have you watched any films with similar topics? Discuss with your group.
Directions in Chinese:
3.1.1 第一段对话中,Elisa和艾讨论了性取向和宗教信仰的问题,你认为这些问题是可以直接问别人的问题吗?为什么?
3.1.2 第二段对话中,Zolton和传祥讨论了霸王别姬和文化大革命相关的中国电影,你看过类似主题的电影吗?请和你的组员讨论分享。
3.2 Reading comprehension and discussions (45 min)
Read the article below for the reading comprehension and discussions:
Article on LGBTQ in Chinese Film: “中国电影人士要求公开同性恋题材电影审查规定”
Original Resource:
In groups of 3-4, summarize the main point of this article in the flowchart below.
Directions in Chinese: 阅读文章,“中国电影人士要求公开同性恋题材电影审查规定”。三到四人一组,完成下面的图表。
Reading Excerpt (Language Revised):
1 由于存在审查制度,同性恋类型的电影通常不能通过官方公开上映,这类电影只能在独立的文化影视平台播放,比如酒吧、互联网、大学等。因此,电影的收入基本没有保障。独立电影导演和制片人大都面临资金困难,有的导演以在淘宝网做小生意的钱拍电影。而独立电影作为大家了解同性恋群体是一个非常重要的平台。
2 外界注意到,中国最近的电影市场似乎也有多部有同性恋的影片上映,比如《北京遇上西雅图》中有一位借精生子的女同性恋;电影《爱情银行》中也有同性恋的画面。
3 同性恋人士认为,官方允许有同性恋画面或内容的影片上映,或许是政策松动的一个信号,尽管并不代表政策改变,至少也是一种默许。
4 大陆公开承认同性恋身份第一人的北京电影学院教授崔子恩同一天对美国之音说,中国对同性恋题材影视作品的默许几年前就存在,像影片《非诚勿扰2》里男演员廖凡饰演的男同性恋角色。崔教授说,尽管那部影片里的同性恋角色通过戏剧色彩出现,有些小小的丑化,但是,《北京遇上西雅图》里,对同性恋角色的小丑化就没有了。他认为,这一方面表明是公众对同性恋群体的包容度在提升,另一方面说明电影审查法整体松动的表达。
5 他说:“从电影审查法的角度来说,是整体法律松动的表达。不仅是在同性恋题材方面,在其他方面审查的尺度也在放宽。据我所知,大部分的影片,它现在采取一个审查通过,但是不给安排上映档期这样一个方法来进行控制。”
6 崔子恩教授说,主题灰暗的影片都属于审查可能会通过,但需要修改。中国独立电影人拍摄的同性恋题材的影片基本属于这种情况。
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3.3 Presentation task (100 min in class or assigned as homework)
Directions: Now you’ve learned more about privacy and movies in China, choose one of the following topics below and present as a group concerning the issues.
Topic 1: Privacy in China
In Culture and Popular Culture 1 dialogue, Elisa and 艾 mentioned that in China, people often ask questions about age, wage, and work and comment on weight and less commonly talk about sex orientation and religion. Based on the dialogue, additional readings, and your own experience, first comment on whether or not you agree with the opinions and then discuss the reasons from a cultural perspective. Give at least two examples to illustrate the cultural differences between China and the U.S. concerning privacy. Finally, summarize your presentation and discuss how to navigate intercultural communication concerning different viewpoints towards privacy.
Topic 2: Movie and Censor System
There are various censor systems in different countries regarding types and content of films. What are the key features of movie censor systems either in the U.S. or in China and what are some problems? Based on the dialogue, additional readings, and your own experience, first introduce the movie censor systems in the country you choose to discuss, and then present some potential problems you identified in the movie censor systems. Give at least two examples to support your arguments on the potential problem. Finally, summarize your presentation. Note: Additional research may also be needed.
Directions in Chinese: 这一课我们了解了中国个人隐私及电影等方面的问题。3-4人一组,从两个话题中选择一个准备一个8-10分钟的报告,包含以下内容。
Topic 1: 隐私观在中国
Topic 2: 电影审查制度
Task 4 Additional Activity
Directions: Watch the Chinese movie “Caught in the Web 搜索” and discuss the following questions.
Directions in Chinese: 观看电影《搜索》,并回答以下问题。
- 什么是“人肉搜索”?
- 什么是“网络暴力”?
- 你是如何看待网络暴力的?
- 在互联网时代,你认为应该如何保护个人隐私?