Background Information
China is one of the largest film markets in the world. Each year, many vie to have their movie chosen for China’s limited lineup of international films. Just recently, China’s films have begun to appear in theaters in the United States. Movies are an important piece of international cultural exchange. Many films are period pieces set some time during China’s extensive history. Such films often pull from legend and fact to create blockbuster spectacles enjoyed by millions.
Hollywood says China will soon be world’s top film market,… (South China Morning Post)
Look Back: “Farewell My Concubine” Wins the Palme d’Or at Cannes 1993 (RADII)
中国电影 Chinese Film
Suggested Level
Context Information: Zolton is an American student, and 传祥 (Chuánxiáng) is a domestic Chinese student. They are discussing a film they watched called Farewell My Concubine or, in Chinese, 霸王别姬 (bàwáng bié jī).
Zolton: 哦,所以,我也有一个问题。所以我们昨天看一部电影——
传祥: 哦,霸王别姬。
Zolton: 对,所以我的,所以你,所以你常常在这儿看电影可是你不常看中国的电影。你常常看外国的这一1,美国的、英国的现在2?
传祥: 嗯
Zolton: 还有韩国的。
传祥: 嗯
Zolton: 所以为什么不太喜欢中国的电影?
传祥: 其实怎么说呢,我看中国电影的时候你不在所以你没留意到。
Zolton: 嗯
传祥: 没有注意到因为我,我等于说,有什么电影好的我都会看。我基本上就是说任何国家电影我都会看,除了一些印度电影,就是很少很少的印度电影。还有一些其他的国家电影但我看的最多的其实看的最多的是中国的电影。
Zolton: 噢,最多?
传祥: 对对对。
Zolton: 我还以为你不看——
传祥: 然后,然后其次就是第二个就是美国的电影,还有英国的电影像夏洛克,夏洛克福尔摩斯。
Zolton: 嗯。
传祥: 其实我对中国的电影是有一个,就,就觉得中国电影是很,我喜欢历,中国的历史电影。
Zolton: 嗯。
传祥: 我不知道你了不了解但是,对。
Zolton: 比如说什么是中国的历史的电影3——
传祥: 比如说,中国的三国时期4,三国就三个国家在,在打仗。
Zolton: 那个战略的?
传祥: 对对对对。
Zolton: 还有那个昨天那个霸王别姬5不是说楚王6跟那个汉7——
传祥: 哦。
Zolton: 刘邦8,打仗吗?其实那个故事,那个电影也有一些很多的故事,还有一些明代的。
传祥: 嗯。
Zolton: 明朝的故事。
传祥: 嗯,对对对。
Zolton: 我都特别喜欢。我觉得是非常棒的电影。
传祥: 嗯,可是你不太喜欢艺术的电影是不是?
Zolton: 对就是那种——
传祥: 比如说我们昨天看那个。我记得就算是艺术的电影。
Zolton: 对。
传祥: 那个电影其实我觉得还挺不错的但是怎么说呢?关于就昨天它那个电影让别人看得特别不舒服,就是那个关于毛泽东的文化文。那个文革——的一些场景。还有就是——
Zolton: 还有我觉得恐怖!
1. Zolton probably stopped short of saying 这一部 (zhè yībù) ‘this film’.
2. Generally, 现在 (xiànzài) ‘now’ is placed closer to the beginning of the sentence. For example, 现在你常常… or 你现在常常….
3. Since 的 (de) is already used in phrase, (中国的历史的电影), the second 的 should be removed. This sentence should read 中国的历史电影.
4. 三国时期 (Sānguó shíqī) ‘The Three Kingdoms Period’ is a historical era spanning 220 to 280 AD when China was divided among three different states, Shu, Wei, and Wu.
5. 霸王别姬 (Bàwáng Bié Jī) ‘Farewell My Concubine’ is a famous Chinese film directed by Chen Kaige. The film depicts a love triangle involving two famous Beijing opera performers. Scenes that included homosexual romance were removed after its initial debut in 1993.
6. 楚王 (Chūwáng) ‘King Wu of Chu’ was a king who lived during the Three Kingdoms Period.
7. Elisa probably stopped short of saying 汉献帝 (Hànxiándì) ‘Emperor Xian of Han’ (a ruler during the Three Kingdoms Period).
8. 刘邦 (Liú Bàng) ‘Liu Bang’ was the given name of Emperor Gaozu of Han, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.
- 部 (bù) Measure word for movies
- 霸王别姬 (bàwáng bié jī) Farewell My Concubine (a popular Chinese film)
- 留意 (liúyì) To look out
- 注意 (zhùyì) To pay attention to
- 等于 (děngyú) To be equal to
- 基本上 (jīběnshang) Basically
- 其次 (qícì) Secondly
- 历史 (lìshǐ) History
- 了解 (liǎojiě) To understand
- 三国时期 (sānguó shíqī) Three Kingdoms Period
- 打仗 (dǎzhàng) To go to war
- 战略 (zhànlüè) Strategy
- 故事 (gùshi) Story
- 明代 (míngdài) Ming Dynasty
- 明朝 (míngcháo) Ming Dynasty
- 艺术 (yìshū) Art
- 关于 (guānyú) About; regarding
- 文革 (wéngé) Abbreviation for the Cultural Revolution
- 场景 (chǎngjǐng) Scene
- 恐怖 (kǒngbù) Horror