Study abroad students often spend months and even years planning their trips abroad. For many, studying abroad is a major stepping stone to a future career. Planning one’s future and expressing personal aspirations and desires are important for any language learner.
Student Conversations
Place 1: 上海提篮桥监狱 Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison
Background Information Shanghai's Hongkou district is filled with locations of historical importance. It is a little known fact that the city of Shanghai gave refuge to thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution during World War II. Shanghai's Hongkou...
Place 2: 咖啡馆 Cafés
Background Information Coffee has been increasing in popularity over the past few decades, and perceptions toward coffee have been changing. What was once a status marker for cosmopolitan urbanites is now an increasingly normal caffeine boost for China's youth. Chains...
Task 1 Sharing Personal Experience Task (Career Plan)
Objectives: Students will be able to familiarize themselves with vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning future career plans. Students will also be able to identify terms for different occupations and professions. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.
1.1 Listen/Read the dialogue between Mark and 王 (Plan 1 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, discuss what they talked about in the dialogue.
Discussion questions: What are Mark and 王 talking about? What profession did 王 want to choose in the first place? Why? What other options has he considered before? What are the reasons he might not choose to do the profession he originally wanted? What are Mark’s opinions toward 王’s choice?
1.2 Listen/Read the dialogue again, list three reasons mentioned in the dialogue that “体育行业” might be a good choice for future profession in China.
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
1.3 Discuss what you know about the sports industry in the U.S. Brainstorm: what kinds of positions/professions would one choose to do in the sports industry in the U.S.?
Directions in Chinese:
1.1 他们讨论了什么问题?王一开始想将来做什么工作?为什么?他还想过选择什么样的职业?为什么他有可能最后不会选择这些职业?Mark对王的职业规划有什么意见和建议?
1.2 重新听/读Mark和王的对话。根据对话内容,列出至少三点对话中提到的体育行业在中国可能是一个比较好的职业选择的原因。
1.3 你经历过/听过/知道在美国体育行业的现状是什么样的?头脑风暴:在美国从事体育行业相关,有哪些职业可以选择?
Task 2 Sharing Personal Experience Task (Study Plan)
Objectives: Students will be able to familiarize themselves with vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning personal study plans. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.
2.1 Listen/Read the dialogues between Bobby and 雨晗 (Plan 2 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, summarize the key terms of their discussion.
Discussion questions: What are Bobby and 雨晗 talking about in this dialogue? What does Bobby plan to do after his semester studying in China? When will Bobby go back to the U.S. and graduate from college? What will he do after graduation?
2.2 Share your personal study plan with your group. Discuss what you plan to do before and after graduating from college and explain your reasons for this plan.
2.3 Will you choose to continue your study in the future (do a graduate degree)? Why or why not?
Directions in Chinese:
2.1 听/读Bobby和雨晗 (Plan 2 dialogue)的对话,他们在讨论什么问题?Bobby这个学期结束后打算做什么?他打算什么时候回美国?什么时候毕业?毕业以后他打算做什么?
2.2 和你的组员分享你的学习计划。介绍你毕业之前和毕业以后的计划并解释原因。
2.3 你会选择将来继续学业吗(读研究生或者博士学位)?为什么(不)?
Task 3 Project & Creative Task (Personal Future Plan)
Objectives: Students will be able to discuss personal future plans in conversation and provide analysis and evaluations of issues concerning future plans. Students will also be able to cooperate with group members and practice reading, writing, and speaking skills upon completing this task. This task could be divided into two class hours, for instance, first using it as a main activity of a regular class to practice reading skills and then as a homework assignment to prepare for group presentations. Suggested time for this task: 45 min for the reading for the first class + 100 min for presentation or assigned as homework + 15 min per group presentation in the following class.
3.1 Reading comprehension and discussions (45 min)
Read the article on “中美大学生择业的差异” below for the reading comprehension and discussions:
Original Resource:
Reading Excerpt (Language Revised):
1. 对工作地选择不同
2. 对职业的看法不同
3. 学习实践不同
4. 教育与学习思路不同
5. 任课教授的推荐方式不同
6. 学校方面提供的服务不同
美国大学有专门的网站给学生提供一些关于企业招聘的信息,网站主要有三个部分组成:(1)Job search workshop(找工作的研讨会)。里面是一些关于找工作的讲座。比如关于如何写简历的讲座。这些讲座主要是为了帮助学生在面试时做好更充分的准备。(2)Resume Reviews(简历的修订)。主要是为学生提供合适的环境去提高修改学生的简历,针对学生的简历提出切实的意见。(3)Mock Interviews(一种模拟招聘会)。这种招聘会以真实招聘会为背景,需要学生认真对待。这种模拟招聘会由学校组织,给学生提供一个平台去发现自己在面试过程中的不足,积累更多经验。
In groups of 3-4, summarize the main points of this article in the table below.
Directions in Chinese: 阅读文章,“中美大学生择业的差异”。三到四人一组,讨论中美择业观差异的六个方面以及具体的不同,并完成下表。
Download Worksheet Here Plan_Worksheet 1
In your groups, discuss whether or not you agree with the article’s description of the six points in the U.S. If you agree, please list at least one example for each point that you’ve experienced. If you disagree, please provide counter examples to illustrate your point.
3.3 Presentation task (100 min in class or assigned as homework)
Directions: Now that you’ve learned more about personal future plans, in groups of 3-4, prepare a presentation for 8-10 minutes focusing on the topic “how to prepare yourself for the job market in college.” Based on what you know, first comment on the job market conditions for college students in the U.S. and then discuss your perspectives on how to prepare for a future career in college. Give at least three points and examples. Finally, summarize your presentation and give your evaluation of generally how well you think American students prepare for jobs today.
Directions in Chinese: 这一课我们了解了个人未来计划的问题。3-4人一组,从两个话题中选择一个准备一个8-10分钟的报告,围绕主题“如何在大学里更好地为将来工作做准备”。根据对话内容,阅读材料,以及你自己的经验,首先介绍目前美国大学生的就业情况,并从你的角度讨论如何在大学期间更好的为将来工作做准备。请至少讨论三个方面并在这三个方面提供例子说明。最后,总结你的报告内容,评价你认为总得来说,美国大学生为工作做的准备是否充分。
Task 4 Additional reading and comprehension question
Directions: In this module, we have discussed personal study plans and career plans, as well as how study plans in college relates to finding a job in the future. Nowadays, one of the most prominent issues getting in the way of actualizing plans is “拖延症 procrastination.” Read the following article on procrastination and discuss the following questions.
Directions in Chinese: 我们讨论了个人学习计划和职业规划,以及如何在大学期间做好规划以准备以后更好的找到工作。如今,越来越多的大学生面临一个严重的问题,“拖延症”。阅读以下关于“
Original Resource:
Reading Texts (Language Revised):
从“再等等”到熬通宵 超97%大学生被拖延症困扰
Discussion Questions:
- 什么是“拖延症”?
- 根据文章内容,为什么现在越来越多的大学生有“拖延症”? 请举例说明。
- 根据文章内容,如何战胜“拖延症”?
- 对于战胜拖延症,你有什么好的建议吗?