Tasks for Linguistic Complexity in Arabic as a Second/Foreign Language

Tasks for Linguistic Complexity in Arabic as a Second/Foreign Language

Sample Tasks

Project: Tasks for Linguistic Complexity in Arabic

Create with Language

  1. City task
  2. Facebook task
  3. Job-hunt task
  4. Apt-hunt task
  5. Event task


  1. Break-in task
  2. Movie task
  3. Daily schedule task
  4. Vacation task
  5. Accident Task

What makes these meaningful tasks?

  1. They engage students’ interest.
  2. Their primary focus is on meaning while form is required for the negotiation.
  3. There is an outcome (e.g., making a decision).
  4. The outcome must be successful and meaningful based on the prompts
  5. provided.
  6. Completion of the task is prioritized.
  7. They relate to real-world needs and expectations.