Unit Plan: The School Day in China

Project: Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad in China 2019
Creator: Caroline Pederson

This unit plan is for first year high school Mandarin Chinese 1 classes and covers school subjects and telling time. Subtopics include school subjects as identified in campus photos and videos, the college entrance exam in China (GaoKao), and Chinese student school schedules. Each day’s plans include links to resources for teaching that lesson, including photos, videos, presentations, and documents.

Context: This unit plan is intended for students in year one of a daily high school Mandarin language program. The school, Arizona College Preparatory High School, offers six years of Mandarin language courses, and students enrolled in Mandarin 1 do not speak Mandarin at home or have prior years background in Mandarin. Earlier this school year, students have studied introducing themselves and their families, the grades/ years in school, classroom objects, days of the week, and school supplies. This unit will introduce school subjects, culture and norms in Chinese schools, including the Gao Kao, and telling time.

AZ State Standards:
IC novice mid 1: Communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that have been practiced and learned.
IL novice high 1: Understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life; sometimes understand the main topic of what is heard.
IR novice mid 1:Recognize and understand some characters, words, and phrases.
PW novice high: Write short messages and notes using phrases and simple sentences on topics related to everyday life.
CUL novice 1: 1. Recognize basic practices, products, and perspectives of cultures where the target language is spoken

Objectives: Students will be able to write a letter in characters describing their school day to a peer from China, to include times of day, grade in school, and subjects studied. Students will be able to explain cultural similarities between their schools and those of Chinese peers, and discuss these differences in their letters as well.

Time: three weeks (weeks 30-33), daily class periods of 55 minutes

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August 21, 2024