Голоса Book 1
This page organizes activities according to the textbook Голоса Book One (Fifth Edition) by Richard Robin, Karen Evans-Romaine, and Galina Shatalina. To search for a topic on the page, use “control-F” or “command-F”. To open or close the expandable sections of the page, click on the plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) at the top right of each section. Note that if materials were created for a different textbook, they may have a slightly different focus or topic. You can Also note that there may be more than one thing available for a given topic. If what you find does not fit your purposes, use the search page.
Introductory lesson: Алфавит
Коммуникативные задания
Devoicing of consonants in final position
Consonant assimilation
Урок 1: Немного о себе
Коммуникативные задания
Greetings and good-byes, formal and informal
Introducing and giving information about yourself
Introducing family and friends
Asking for information about someone else
Reading Russian business cards
Russian social networking
Letters to and from Russian host family
Культура и быт
Saying “hello”
Physical contact
Урок 2: Что у меня есть?
Коммуникативные задания
Naming common objects, clothing, and basic colors
Arrival in Russia, greetings at the airport
Russian homestays
Reading and listening to ads
Nominative plural of nouns
The 5- and 7-letter spelling rules
Possessive modifiers чей, мой, твой, наш, ваш, его, её, их
What: что vs. какой
Культура и быт
Slippers at home: тапочки
Documents in Russia: паспорт и виза
Урок 3: Какие языки вы знаете?
Коммуникативные задания
Discussing ethnic and national backgrounds
Reading and listening to ads about language-study programs
Verb conjugation: present and past tense
Position of adverbial modifiers
Talking about languages: русский язык vs. по-русски
Prepositional case of singular and plural modifiers and nouns
Культура и быт
The place of foreign languages in Russia
Responding to compliments
Урок 4: Университет
Коммуникативные задания
Talking about where and what people study
Making a presentation about yourself
Reading and writing academic schedules
Reading diplomas and transcripts
Reading university websites
Listening: university welcome speech
Study verbs: учиться, изучать, заниматься
The 8-letter spelling rule
На каком курсе…?
На + prepositional case for location
Accusative case of modifiers and nouns
Любить + accusative or infinitive
Prepositional case of question words and personal pronouns
Question words and sentence expanders: где, что, как, какой, почему, потому что
Культура и быт
The most popular majors in Russia
Higher education in Russia: universities and institutes
University departments
Standardized exams: Единый государственный экзамен (ЕГЭ)
Russian diplomas and the Russian grade system
Great Russian scholars: Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов, Николай Иванович Лобачевский
Урок 5: Распорядок дня
Коммуникативные задания
Talking about daily activities and schedules
Talking about classes
Asking and telling time on the hour
Making and responding to simple invitations
Reading and writing notes and letters
Listening to messages and voicemail
Speaking and writing in paragraphs
Class: курс, занятия, урок, лекция, пара
Times of the day: утром, днём, вечером, ночью
New verbs to answer: Что вы делаете?
Stable and shifting stress in verb conjugations
Going: идти vs. ехать; я иду vs. я хожу
Questions with где and куда
В/на + accusative case for direction
Expressing necessity or obligation: должен, должна, должно, должны
Культура и быт
Times of the day – Russian style
Урок 6: Дом, квартира, общежитие
Коммуникативные задания
Talking about homes, rooms, furnishings
Colors: Какого цвета…?
Making and responding to invitations
Reading want ads
Renting an apartment
Verbs of position – стоять, висеть, лежать
Genitive case of pronouns, question words, and singular modifiers and nouns
Ownership, existence, and presence: (у кого) есть что
Expressing nonexistence and absence: нет чего
Possession and attribution (“of”): genitive case of noun phrases
Specifying quantity
Культура и быт
Adjectives used to name a room
Что в шкафу? Russian closets
Ты и вы
How many rooms?
Apartment size in square meters
Living conditions in Russia
Soviet history: communal apartments
Russian apartments, dormitories, and dachas
Урок 7: Наша семья
Коммуникативные задания
Talking about people: names, ages, professions, where they were born, and where they grew up
Exchanging letters and e-mails about families
Job ads and resumes
Was born, grew up: родился, вырос
Expressing age: the dative case of pronouns; год, года, лет
Genitive plural of nouns and modifiers: introduction
Specifying quantity
Comparing ages: моложе/старше кого на сколько лет
Telling someone’s name: зовут
Accusative case: summary
Культура и быт
Office work
Урок 8: В магазине
Коммуникативные задания
Asking for advice about purchases
Making simple purchases
Birthday greetings
Presents and gift giving
Reading and listening to store advertisements
Shopping in Russia
Past tense: был, была, было, были
Have and did not have: the past tense of есть and нет
Went: ходил vs. пошёл, ездил vs. поехал
Dative case of modifiers and nouns
Uses of the dative case
The preposition по
Expressing necessity, possibility, impossibility
Expressions of possibility and impossibility: можно, невозможно
Other dative subjectless constructions: трудно, легко, интересно
Культура и быт
Viktor Pelevin
Shopping in Russia: магазин, универмаг, рынок
Russian clothing sizes
Урок 9: Что мы будем есть?
Коммуникативные задания
Making plans to cook dinner
Making plans to go to a restaurant
Ordering meals in a restaurant
Reading menus and restaurant reviews
Listening to restaurant advertisements
Культура и быт
Russian food stores: магазины и рынок
Metric system: weight and volume
Restaurants and cafes
Russian meals: Что едят и пьют?
Урок 10: Биография
Коммуникативные задания
Talking more about yourself and your family
Telling where your city is located
Reading and listening to short biographies
Expressing resemblance: похож (-а, -и) на кого
Expressing location: на юге (севере, востоке, западе) (от) чего
Entering and graduating from school: поступать/поступить куда; окончить что
Indicating the year in which an event takes (took) place: В каком году?
Time expressions with через and назад
Have been doing: use present tense
Культура и быт
Russian educational system
Which Tolstoy?