AATSEEL/LLC Commons Slavic Program Network
AATSEEL/LLC Commons Slavic Program Network and Interactive Map of Slavic Departments is a collaborative project of CERCLL and AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages). The network collects and maintains information about Slavic language programs to gain a better understanding of Slavic programs in North America.
You can search the map for the name of the school or by state, or search by (1) institution type, (2) program type, or by level (K-12 or higher education), or view the clusters of Slavic programs under the Heat Map tab. Click on the pin to access each program’s profile, address and contact information.
If your program is not included, or updates are needed, or if you would like to add a promotional video about your program, please click the “ADD PROGRAM” text and complete the online form. Please note that the database is updated twice a year – in August and in January.
Requirements for Promotional Videos: The maximum file size allowed is 250 GB and the preferred video codecs are H.264, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), or H.265 (HEVC). The duration of the video should not exceed 5 minutes.
If you have any questions related to how your program is listed in our database, please contact Principal Investigator Dr. Liudmila Klimanova at klimanova@arizona.edu.

How can the AATSEEL/LLC Commons Interactive Map and Slavic Program Network Data be used?
- Program coordinators can use this interactive map to promote their Slavic programs and language training centers in their state and/or nationwide.
- The program data can be used to advocate and support Slavic programs in North America.
- Maps showing Slavic programs can be used to recruit new students and network with other schools in your area.
- College-level programs can use the AATSEEL/LLC Commons Interactive Map and Slavic Program Network to identify feeder schools for their Slavic program.
- National grant seeking writers and institutional administrators can use the information about all Slavic programs to highlight various levels of Slavic language instruction and find out where new Slavic programs are needed.
- Researchers can use the AATSEEL/LLC Commons Interactive Map to provide a context for their project
Criteria for Program Inclusion in the AATSEEL/LLC Commons Interactive Map
College-Level Programs in Russian and other Slavic and East-European Languages, and Languages Spoken in Post-Soviet Republics:
- Public and private two- and four-year educational post-secondary institutions, including universities, liberal arts colleges, community colleges offering at least Russian language courses on a regular basis.
- Professional schools, foreign services institutions, and graduate universities offering at least Russian language as a degree option.
- Community programs and language schools for adult learners.
Pre-College Programs in Russian and other Slavic and East European Languages, and Languages Spoken in Post-Soviet Republics (following the academic traditions of Slavic departments):
- Public and private high schools.
- Private online schools, language schools, and community or church language programs—if they offer regular classroom instruction to high school-aged students.
- World language departments of unified school districts—if they offer programs in the target languages for high school students.