Beginner’s Russian
This page organizes activities according to the textbook Beginner’s Russian by Anna Kudyma, Frank Miller, and Olga Kagan. To search for a topic on the page, use “control-F” or “command-F”. To open or close the expandable sections of the page, click on the plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) at the top right of each section. Note that if materials were created for a different textbook, they may have a slightly different focus or topic. You can Also note that there may be more than one thing available for a given topic. If what you find does not fit your purposes, use the search page.
Глава I. Русский алфавит (1) / The Russian Alphabet (Part 1)
Vocabulary and Themes
About myself and members of my family
The consonants м, п, т, к, д, н, ч, б, с, р and й
The vowels а, о, э, е, я, у, ы; the “soft sign” ь
What hard and soft consonants are
How to pronounce unstressed o and a
How to pronounce e in syllables before the stress
About Russian intonation
How to say “hello” and “good-bye”
How to say what someone is
Communicative situations
Глава 2. Русский алфавит (2) / The Russian Alphabet (Part 2)
Vocabulary and Themes
More about myself and my family
About my friends
What you can find in a city
The names of professions
Counting from 1 to 10
The consonants в, з, ц, г, л, ф, ш, х, ж, щ
The vowels и, ё, ю; the “hard sign” ъ
More about intonation
You: informal ты vs. formal вы
Plural endings for masculine and feminine nouns
The possessives (мой, твой)
The conjunction а
How to answer the question Где? Where?
The first and third person singular forms of verbs
Communicative situations
Other ways to say “hello” and “good-bye”
How to ask for someone’s name and introduce yourself
Small talk: How are you?
Russian names and nicknames
Names of some Russian cities
Глава 3. Я хочу учиться в Москве! / I want to study in Moscow!
Vocabulary and Themes
Talking about your school
The names of some subjects
Counting from 11 to 20
Pronouncing unstressed o and a
Russian cases and noun endings for the Prepositional case singular
Adjective endings for the Nominative case singular and the interrogative Какой? (Какая? Какое?) What kind of? What? Which?
The present tense of verbs
Communicative situations
Getting acquainted
Small talk: What classes do you like?
Prepositional Case Forms: Song Звери – Брюнетки и блондинки
Survey: “What type of school is better in Russia, public or private?”
Глава 4. Моё расписание / My schedule
Vocabulary and Themes
School and the names of some academic subjects and majors
Schedules, the days of the week
Counting from 20 to 50
Pronouncing e in syllables before the stress
Noun and adjective endings for the Accusative case singular
The Accusative singular form for the interrogative Какой? (Какая? Какое?)
Using the Accusative case with the names of the days of the week
Communicative situations
Getting information about schedules
Small talk: What do you study?
Days of the Week: Земфира “Воскресенье”
A Russian university
Survey: “Your favorite school subject.”
Глава 5. Выходные / Weekends
Vocabulary and Themes
Your typical weekend
Likes and dislikes
Counting from 60 to 99
Voiced and voiceless consonants
Conjugating the verbs читать, делать, слушать, писать, любить, ходить, смотреть
Going places: answer the question Куда? Where to?
Nominative plural forms for nouns and modifiers
Accusative plural forms for inanimate nouns and modifiers
Communicative situations
Small talk: How do you spend your free time?
Survey: “Exercise habits in Russia.”
Глава 6. Где вы живёте? / Where do you live?
Vocabulary and Themes
Describing a house or an apartment
Counting from 100 to 900
“To have” constructions: Genitive forms for personal pronouns
The past tense of verbs
The demonstrative этот
Communicative situations
Small talk: Where do you live?
Я говорил Леночка (Кирилл Ковальджи) – Past tense
Survey: “Where do students live in Russia?”
Глава 7. Дома / At home
Vocabulary and Themes
Hard р and soft р
Communicative situations
Asking for information about an apartment for rent
Apartments in Russia
Survey: “Where do you live now in Moscow?”
Глава 8. Это хороший район… / This is a great neighborhood…
Vocabulary and Themes
Hard л vs. soft л
Indicating proximity (около, недалеко от)
Prepositional singular endings for adjectives, the demonstrative этот and possessives
Communicative situations
Giving your home address
Renting an apartment
Survey: “How much does it cost to rent an apartment?”
Глава 9. Что вы любите есть? / What do you like to eat?
Vocabulary and Themes
Names of food and where people shop for food
Ordinal numbers: 11th-20th
Devoicing of voiced consonants at the end of words
Verbs of eating and drinking
About verbal aspect
Time expressions: 1 раз в неделю, 2 раза в месяц, 3 раза в год, каждый день
Communicative situations
Discussing what food to buy
Asking how much something costs
Глава 10. Идём в ресторан и в гости / Let’s Go to a Restaurant and Visiting
Vocabulary and Themes
Dining out
Ordinal numbers: 21st-101st
The letter ц
Pronouncing сч
Assimilation exercise
Communicative situations
Ordering food in a restaurant
Inviting people to dinner
Writing a ‘thank you’ note
Survey: “What do Russians like to eat most of all?”
Глава 11. Семья / Family
Vocabulary and Themes
The unstressed vowel я
Genitive singular endings for adjectives, possessives, and the demonstrative этот
Accusative singular endings for animate nouns, and their modifiers
Accusative case forms for personal pronouns
Communicative situations
Small talk: chatting about your family
Survey: “What should a Russian woman be like today?”
Глава 12. Семейный фотоальбом / A Family Album
Vocabulary and Themes
The pronunciation of numerals
Saying what year it is, and indicating the year in which something happens
The prepositional case with the preposition о(б), and the prepositional case forms for personal pronouns
Communicative situations
About Blok, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Tsvetaeva
Numbers and facts: A family in Russia
Глава 13. Как мы выглядим? / What do we look like?
Vocabulary and Themes
Describing what someone looks like
What kind of people you like
Pronouncing unstressed e in syllables after the stress
Dative singular forms for nouns
Dative singular forms for adjectives, possessives, and the demonstrative этот
Communicative situations
Asking for and giving information about someone’s appearance
Expressing likes and dislikes
“What kind of women do Russian men like?”
“What kind of men do Russian women like?”
Глава 14. Какие мы? / What are we like?
Vocabulary and Themes
Pronouncing ы at the end of words
Adverbs derived from adjectives
The Dative case and impersonal constructions
Expressing possibility, prohibition, and necessity
Communicative situations
Discussing people
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Survey: “What do Russian women want?”
Глава 15. Что у вас болит? / What hurts?
Vocabulary and Themes
Parts of the body
Symptoms of illness, health advice
When pronunciation differs from spelling
Communicative situations
Глава 16. Каждый день… / Every day…
Vocabulary and Themes
Everyday routines
Time by the clock
Intonation type 1: Declarative sentences
Где? Куда? Откуда? with inanimate nouns
Где? Куда? Откуда? with animate nouns
The prepositions до and после
Communicative situations
Soviet Cartoon “Leopold’s visit to a clinic”
Years in a Russian university (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
Глава 17. Чем вы интересуетесь? / What are you interested in?
Vocabulary and Themes
Leisure activities
Interests and hobbies
Intonation type 2: Intonation of questions with question words
-овать/-евать verbs
The possessive modifier свой
Communicative situations
Inviting someone out
Asking about free time and interests
Survey: “Where do Russians spend their free time?”
Глава 18. В городе / In the city
Vocabulary and Themes
Asking about and describing a city
Talking about your home town
Intonation type 3: Questions without a question word
Using the Genitive case with numerals
Genitive plural forms for adjectives, possessives, and the demonstrative этот
Communicative situations
Giving advice about visiting a city
About Russian cities
Survey: “St. Petersburg and Moscow: two capitals?”
Глава 19. Как доехать? / How can I get there?
Vocabulary and Themes
Practice with intonation type 3: Questions without a question word
Communicative situations
Giving and understanding simple directions
Riding the subway
About the Moscow subway
Survey: “About Moscow.”
Survey: “What’s the most popular type of transportation?”
Глава 20. География / Geography
Vocabulary and Themes
The intonation of complex questions
More about verbs of motino
Using the prefixes по-, при- and у- with verbs of motion
Using the preposition по with the dative case
Communicative situations
Buying train/plane tickets, booking a hotel, renting a car
Types of trains
Types of plane tickets
Types of hotel rooms
The Trans-Siberian railway
The Decembrists
Survey: “How do you like to travel?”
Глава 21. Путешествие по России / Traveling around Russia
Vocabulary and Themes
Communicative situations
Глава 22. Погода / Weather
Vocabulary and Themes
Absence or lack of someone or something
Dative plural forms for nouns and their modifiers
Communicative situations
Small talk: What is the weather like?
Asking and answering questions about packing for travel
The climate of Russia
Survey: “Your favorite season.”
Глава 23. Поздравляю с праздником! / Happy Holidays
Vocabulary and Themes
Russian holidays
Holiday greetings
More uses of intonation type 2
Months and dates
More about the Instrumental case. Instrumental plural forms for nouns and their modifiers
Complex sentences; ‘if’ and ‘when’ clauses with future tense
Overview of all cases in one tutorial
Communicative situations
Wishing someone happy holidays
Writing greeting cards
Survey: “What’s your favorite holiday?”
Глава 24. Каникулы / Vacations
Vocabulary and Themes
Things to do on your vacation
Places to see and stay at
Direct quotations and complex sentences with the verbs знать, думать, спрашивать/спросить
Sentences containing enumerations
The relative pronoun который (которая, которое, которые)
Answer the question Когда? – This (last, next) year; this (last, next) month
Comparative forms for adjectives and adverbs
Communicative situations
Small talk: Where will you go on your vacation?
Small talk: How did you spend your vacation?
Sightseeing in the Crimea
Survey: “How did you spend your summer vacation?”