Diao, W., & Chen, C. (2021). Utterance Final Particles in Mandarin: A Corpus-based Study of L2 Pragmatic Markers in Study Abroad. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.
Diao, W., & Wang, Y. (2021). Multiracial Chinese American women studying abroad in China: The intersectionality of race, gender, and language learning. Intercultural Communication Education, 4(1), 39-55.
Diao, W. (2021). Becoming multilingual or monolingual: Language use, class, and study abroad in China. In W. Diao and E. Trentman (Eds.), Language learning in study abroad: The multilingual turn. Multilingual Matters.
Diao, W. (2020). Speaking against racism: Stories of successful Chinese L2 learners of color in China. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
Diao, W. (2017). Between standard and non-standard: Negotiating accent and identity in China. System, 71, 87-101.
Diao, W. & Chen, C. (Forthcoming.) Talk in the dorm: A corpus-based study of the utterance-final pragmatic marker BA in Mandarin by L1 and L2 speakers. Paper to be presented on the panel Contrastive corpus approaches to pragmatic markers: variation in use, translation issues and pedagogical applications (organized by G. Anderson, S. Gesuato, M. T. Musacchio) at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference. Winterthur, Switzerland.
Diao, W., & Wang, Y. (Forthcoming). Multiracial Chinese American Women Studying Abroad in China: Negotiating Race and Gender in Mandarin. Paper to be presented at the World Congress of Applied Linguistics. August, Groningen, the Netherlands. (Postponed to August of 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.)
Diao, W., & Chen, C. (2021). A corpus-based study of L2 pragmatic markers in study abroad: Mandarin utterance-final particles. Paper presented at AAAL.
Diao, W., Wang, Y., & Morales, L. (2019) Transcending Gender Taboos: Talk in the Dorm Among Female Study Abroad Students in China. Paper to be presented at the 38th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF). September. Lansing, MI.
Wang, Y., & Diao, W. (2019). Topics in Everyday Discourse: American Students with Their Chinese Peers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). November. Washington, D.C.
Wang, Y., & Diao, W. (2019). Marking Epistemic Stance in Verbal Conflicts: Interaction between L2 Learners of Mandarin and their Chinese Peers. Paper presented at the 16th International Pragmatics Conference. Hong Kong.
Diao, W., Morales, L., & Liu ,Y. (2019). A Usage-Based Approach to Learning Material Development: the DormTalk Corpus for Chinese Language Learning and Teaching. Panel at the 2019 annual conference of Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA). Seattle, WA. (Downloadable slides are forthcoming in April, 2019.)
Diao, W. (2019). Doing blackness while studying abroad in China. Paper presented on the panel, Disrupting the Whiteness in US Study Abroad, at the annual meeting of American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Atlanta, GA.
Diao, W. (2018). What is different for heritage speakers studying abroad, and why does it matter? Session presented at the 2018 CIEE Annual Conference. Barcelona, Spain. November. (Session organized by Kim Potowski.)
Diao, W., Wang, Y., & He, X. (2017). Solving Conflicts in Peer Interaction: American Students in China. Paper presented the annual meeting of American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Nashville, TN. November.
Diao, W. (2017). Between the Standard and the Non-standard: American Students in Southern China. Paper presented on the panel, Study Abroad in Contemporary Times: Methodological Innovations, at AAAL. March. Portland, OR.
Diao, W. (2017). Doing Anti-Racism through Mandarin: A Muslim Student in China. Paper presented at the 2017 CLIC Conference on Study Abroad. Rice University. Houston, TX. February.