
No study abroad student arrives at their destination completely familiar with the nation, city, and university they plan to study in. Study abroad students will find themselves talking more and more about places and locations as they discover new tourist attractions, restaurants, and well kept local secrets.

Student Conversations

Social Issues 1: 种族歧视 Racial Discrimination

Background Information Racism is undoubtedly a sensitive topic. However, this issue is very important in both the United States and China. While the United States is often characterized by its cultural and racial diversity, China is also extremely diverse (the Chinese...

Social Issues 2: 高考 College Entrance Exams

Background Information The college application process can be very different for Chinese and American students. The Gaokao is China’s national college entrance exam and is administered once a year. Whereas many college admission boards in the United States take...

Non-Annotated Conversations

Additional conversations on the topic that do not contain additional notes or information, which can be used as further examples of how people talk about these concepts in Chinese. Social Issues 1 相信不相信 Ida: 所以oh所以你们,那你你是信基督教吗还是你没有相信。 Elisa: 我没有相信因为我的父亲是,爸爸是犹太人然后妈妈。...


Task 1 Sharing Personal Experience Task (Tourist Site)

Objectives: Students will be able to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning discussions of a particular tourist site (Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai, China). Students will also be able to discuss historical and tourist sites in conversation. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.



1.1 Listen/Read the dialogue between Ted and 韩  (Place 1 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, discuss what they talked about in the dialogue. 

Discussion questions: What are Ted and 韩 talking about? What do you know about Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison from this dialogue (e.g. what is the historical background of this place? What does it look like? What kinds of activities do tourists do there? How far is it from campus and how can you get there? Is this tourist spot suitable for foreigners who do not have advance-level Chinese? Why or why not?) 


Directions in Chinese: 




1.2 Choose a tourist site you visited that has a historical background. Work in pairs, introduce the place you visited, and discuss it with your partner. Use the following questions to guide your discussion. 


  • Where is this place? 
  • What are the main features of this place? 
  • How can you travel to this place from your home? 
  • What is the historical background of this place?
  • What kinds of activities do tourists do there? 
  • What do you need to prepare before you go? 
  • Other questions that may interest you


Directions in Chinese: 



  • 这个地方在哪儿?
  • 这个地方有哪些特点?
  • 怎么去这个地方?
  • 这个地方有哪些历史背景?
  • 游客去这个地方可以做些什么活动?
  • 去之前需要做什么准备吗?
  • 其他你感兴趣的问题

Task 2 Sharing Personal Experience Task (Places in Daily Routine) 

Objectives: Students will be able to familiarize themselves with vocabulary and topics related to issues concerning places they often go in their daily routine. This task could be used as a warm-up task at the beginning of this module. Suggested time for this task: 15-20 minutes.


2.1 Listen/Read the dialogues between Zolton and 传祥 (Place 2 dialogue). In groups of 3-4, summarize the key terms of their discussion. Share your own experience with places you often go to in your daily routine (e.g. cafe, library, etc.). 

Discussion questions: What are Zolton and 传祥 talking about in this dialogue? Where is the first Cafe they talked about? How do you get there from campus? What’s around the Cafe? Why does Zolton like to go to this Cafe to study? Where is the second Cafe Zolton likes to visit? Why? 

Directions in Chinese:



2.2 Choose a cafe/tea house you really like to visit. Work in pairs and discuss your cafe/tea house with your partner. Use the following questions as a guide: 

  • Where is this cafe/tea house? 
  • How can you travel to this place from your home? 
  • What’s around this place?
  • What are some its key features?
  • Why do you like to go to this place? 
  • Who do you often go with? 
  • Other questions that interest you 


Directions in Chinese: 


  • 这个咖啡馆/茶馆在哪儿?
  • 你平时怎么去?
  • 这个地方周围有什么?
  • 这个地方有什么特色?
  • 为什么你喜欢去这个地方?
  • 你平时都喜欢和谁去?
  • 其他你感兴趣的问题

Task 3 Project & Creative Task (Starbucks in China)


Objectives: Students will be able to analyze and evaluate different issues concerning places in China. Students will also be able to cooperate with group members and practice reading, writing, and speaking skills upon completing this task. This task could be divided into two class hours, after the warm-up discussions on the two dialogues, for instance, first using it as a main activity of a regular class to practice reading skills, and then as a homework assignment to prepare for individual presentations. Suggested time for this task: 45 min for the reading for the first class + 100 min for presentation or assigned as homework + 3-4 min per individual presentation in the following class.  


3.1 Warm-up discussions


What kinds of coffee shop do you prefer to go? Why? Do you go to Starbucks often? How do you feel about Starbucks in the U.S.? 

Directions in Chinese: 



3.2 Reading comprehension and discussions (45 min)


Read the article below for the reading comprehension and discussions:

Article on What does largest Starbucks in the world look like? 上海新开的全球最大星巴克门店长什么样?

Original Resource:


Reading Excerpt (Language Revised):

1     上海——何君炜坐上动车跑了差不多160公里,等了一小时,只为一杯咖啡。

2     上百名咖啡迷都聚在了这里,前来参观星巴克向他们致敬的献礼,何君炜也是其中之一。这家美国企业全球最大门店周三在上海开业,这是一个有400名员工、2700平方米的圣殿。

3     这家巨型咖啡店代表着星巴克在中国——这个此前更喜欢喝茶的国家——下的一个赌注。星巴克在中国拥有3000多家门店,计划在4年内扩张至5000家

4     星巴克表示,它在中国开店的速度大约是每15小时就新开一家。

5     在位于上海市中心的星巴克咖啡烘焙工坊(Starbucks Reserve Roastery)内,顾客可以近距离观看这些棕色饮品是如何制作出来的。

6     管道将生咖啡豆送进烤箱,随后又输送到装饰着传统中国印章和图案的两层楼高的铜管中。

7     在这里,咖啡豆被输送到吧台的几十个咖啡师面前。一些咖啡师使用真空咖啡壶制作手冲咖啡。和在中国其他地方的门店一样,这一家也出售茶和食品。

8     这家门店展现了星巴克向中国投来的信念——和金钱。 

9     在其他外国企业抱怨中国商业环境的时候,中国成为了星巴克目前最大的营收驱动因素之一。

10     美食品牌塔可贝尔(Taco Bell)和必胜客(Pizza Hut)的母公司百胜餐饮(Yum Brands)剥离了在中国的业务,部分原因是出于对企业在中国发展能力的担忧。其他企业,如麦当劳(McDonald’s)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola),也在从中国撤离。

11     但是当其他企业在中国碰壁时,星巴克设法加大了投资。它给出了比许多竞争对手更高的工资,也为员工提供了住房补贴和医疗福利。

12     这样的努力意味着星巴克在中国有能力建立信任。

13     周三,这一点就被一大批等待进入门店的人们证实了。在偌大的咖啡馆,满是咖啡豆通过管道时乒乓作响的嘈杂和咖啡师伴着电子音乐煮咖啡的声音。这样的开张仪式,这正是为何君炜这类人量身定做的。

14     “我有时自己在家也会冲,”他说,“可感觉寂寞了一点。” 22岁的他在杭州从事物流工作,此行也是为他的星巴克主题杯再添新收藏。“中国有些长辈会喜欢喝茶,可我就喜欢咖啡,”何君炜说,“就像那句话,情不知所起,一往而深。”


Directions in Chinese: 阅读文章,“上海新开的全球最大星巴克门店长什么样?”并完成以下问题。


  1. 为什么很多人会从很远的地方来这家星巴克?




  1. 这家星巴克有什么特点?(请列出至少三项)






  1. 在这家星巴克里,顾客可以看到什么在别的星巴克看不到的?




  1. 除了咖啡以外,星巴克还卖什么?




  1. 为什么很多企业撤离了中国?




  1. 为什么星巴克加大了对中国的投资?




  1. 据何君炜说的,在中国什么样的人爱喝茶?什么样的人爱喝咖啡?



3.3 Presentation task (100 min in class or assigned as homework)

Directions: Now you’ve learned more about talking about places in different contexts. Prepare for an individual presentation. Please also write a brief outline essay for the individual presentation. For the presentation, focus on the topic of “my hometown”. First, introduce your hometown (e.g. location, population, tourist places, characteristics, etc.) and then choose one of the most famous/interesting places in your hometown to share with the class. Illustrate at least two activities people could do at that place and explain why it attracts you. Second, introduce one of the places you would like to spend time at in your daily life (e.g. cafe, public library, park, etc.) and explain the reasons you like this place. Finally, summarize your presentation. 


Directions in Chinese: 这一课我们了解了如何讨论各种不同的地方。准备一个个人报告并且写下大纲。个人报告围绕主题“我的家乡”并且包含以下内容。首先,介绍你的家乡(包括地理位置,人口,周边的旅游景点,特点等等)并选择一个比较有名或者你感兴趣的景点向大家进行简单的介绍。说一说至少两个游客可以去这个景点做的事情以及为什么这个地方非常地吸引人。然后介绍一个你居住在这个地方时日常生活中喜欢去的地方(比如咖啡馆,公共图书馆等)并且说说为什么你喜欢这个地方。最后总结报告内容。

Task 4 Additional Activity  

Directions: Watch the videos on tourist sites and discuss the following questions. 

  1. 这辈子一定要去一次!最美的5个旅游景点
  2. 旅游资源最强的省份,坐拥世界顶级景区,湖南的实力让人服! 


Directions in Chinese: 


  1. 根据第一个视频,总结视频中提到的五个景点的主要特点。




1. Grand Teton National Park

2. The Grand Canyon

3. Palmyra Atoll

4. Zhangye National Geopark

5. Namib Desert 


  1. 观看第二个视频,介绍至少四点湖南是中国有名的旅游胜地的原因。


  1. _____________________________________
  2. _____________________________________
  3. _____________________________________
  4. _____________________________________