Here you will find different bibliographic resources about important articles that deal with second language teaching, diversity, identity and social justice. You will be redirected to those articles that are open to the public by clicking on them.
Ahearn, L.M. (2001). Language and Agency. Annual Review of Anthropology, 30, 109-137.
Anya, U. (2017). Racialized identities in second language learning: speaking blackness in Brazil. New York, NY: Routledge.
Block, David. (2003). The social turn in second language acquisition. Edinburgh: UK: Edinburgh University Press.
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M. (2008). From foreign language education to education for intercultural citi- zenship. Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Clementi, D., & Terrill, L. (2013). The keys to planning for learning: Effective curricu- lum, unit, and lesson design. Alexandria, VA: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Garrett-Rucks, P. (2013). A discussion-based online approach to fostering deep cultural inquiry in an introductory language course. Foreign Language Annals, 46(2), 191-212.
Glynn, C., Wesely, P., & Wassell, B. (2014). Words and actions: Teaching languages through the lens of social justice. Alexandria, VA: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Nelson, Cynthia. (2009). Sexual Identities in English language education: classroom Conversations. New York, NY: Routledge.
Nieto, S. (2010). Language, culture, and teaching: Critical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
Norton, Bonny. (2013). Identity and Language Learning. Extending the Conversation. Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Osborn, T. (2006). Teaching world languages for social justice: A sourcebook of prin- ciples and practices. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Randolph, L.J., & Johnson, S.M. (2017). Social Justice in the Language Classroom: A Call to Action.
Wagner, M., Perugini, D. C., & Byram, M. (Eds.). (2017). Teaching intercultural com- petence across the age range: from theory to practice. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.